Technical SEO Agency

From website optimisation to website maintenance and migrations, we take care of every aspect of your digital health.
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Let's improve your digital health.

Page speed check

Reduce your bounce rate with a faster website.

Mobile usability

Increase customer retention and sales with a mobile usable website.

Broken pages

Increase customer retention and sales with a mobile usable website.

Content bloat

Increase customer retention and sales with a mobile usable website.

Crawl and indexation

Clean up your digital health to improve crawlability and indexation.

What is technical SEO

18+ years of experience in the industry.

Technical SEO is the foundation of the whole SEO process - you need to do it right from the beginning.

The main objective for any business is to grow organically and minimise costs. But you can't improve your Google visibility if you don't do SEO right, starting with a website audit.

A technical SEO audit will identify issues that impact your SEO, affecting your Google page rankings. By fixing these issues, it's easier for Google to index your pages and your organic visibility improves on SERPs.

Talk to our SEO specialist
Website speed

Let's improve your website speed and loading time and decrease the bounce rate.


Let's make your website easy to use on mobile to improve our rankings on SERPs.

Site architecture and readability

Let's help Google crawl your website and understand your business.

Crawl and indexation errors

Let's fix Crawled-Currently Not Indexed pages in Google Search Console for better crawlability.

Broken pages

Let's fix broken 404 pages and 301 redirects, an indication to Google of a low-quality site.

On-page SEO

Let's fix on-page issues, such as title tags, alt texts and headings for better indexation.

Website migrations

For an effective website migration, a tech SEO team is essential to prevent SEO loss from your site.

Choose Yaser UK as your technical SEO agency.

There is a reason we can see an immediate impact on website performance in the first three months of working with our clients. Our SEO audits identify technical problems on your website which we then solve one by one.

Our focus is on Tech SEO

Many SEO agencies out there promise a professional service but neglect fundamental aspects of SEO, such as this one.

SEO does not rely on keyword research and optimisation only but on having a healthy and clean website that runs seamlessly. You cannot have a car that looks shiny and perfect on the outside but the engine is not working.

Work with us
section page
website migration

Are you migrating your site...

and need a specialist technical SEO team by your side?
CASE studies

This is why we're London's #1 SEO agency.

Qardus is an ethical Fintech which promotes a Sharia-compliant and ethical financing marketplace, who approached Yaser UK to grow its organic traffic.
#2 on Google
Consistent page one ranking for "Islamic business loans" in just 6 months.
75% growth
In organic traffic, in 6 months.
qardus case study

What sets us apart from other technical SEO agencies.

We are different from other agencies as:

  • we prioritise improving your digital health and laying a solid SEO foundation first before moving on to optimisation for the search engines.

  • We are not a faceless agency. We work 1-2-1 with you and work on building a relationship.

  • We set the right KPIs in the beginning to measure success and results accurately.

We are an expert SEO agency striving to be the best in our field and make our clients happy.

Find out more about us
mike brown tag
Get in touch

Ready to get started? So are we.


We don't deliver empty promises, we act on them and bring back tangible results.


SEO is not about leads. It's about delivering value to the end user.


Your business is our business. We invest a lot of time in your business as if it's our own. 

Human Approach

We work together for our goals from day one with you, we're not a faceless agency.

Accelerate your growth with strategic SEO.

SEO is more than just fixing technical issues on your site. It's about having a clean and easy-to-use website for your end user. SEO improves your site and rankings based on a few key components.

SEO Strategy

{ Grow your organic traffic with strategic keywords }

SEO Audit

{Maintain the digital health of your site to 100% }

SEO Copywriting

{ Impactful content based on Google's E-E-A-T and YMYL principles }

Link Building

{ Improve your website authority with high-quality links }
View all services

Improve your digital health today.

Solving tech issues on any site is not a piece of cake. But a technical SEO agency like us that is

expert in complex migrations
and knows how to lay the SEO foundation,

can do it for you.

Work with us

Our clients do the talking.

We help you improve your digital presence with outstanding search engine optimisation and a clean website. Just like we do for our clients.

Testimonial Image

It was a pleasure working with Yaser and his team.

They worked 1-2-1 with me and delivered positive results and organic traffic to my website. I highly recommend Yaser UK.

Distill Ventures

We’re very thankful to Yaser and his team for building a fully-functioning website for our business.

A very skilled and dedicated team of professionals is behind this marketing agency. Their attention to detail, analytical skills, and ability to work under pressure was truly remarkable.

Product developer

Yaser and his team have provided personalised, hands-on support, dedicated to achieving optimal results.

They conducted an in-depth analysis of our site, successfully implemented strategic measures, and within just a few months, we witnessed a remarkable improvement in our search engine rankings!

SEC Group

We’ll let our results do the talking…

We have a solid track record of clients and eCommerce businesses we have delivered tangible growth. We’re a leading eCommerce SEO agency trusted by many in the industry.

Frequent Questions and Answers.

Is technical SEO different to SEO?

Technical SEO is part of SEO, it's one aspect of it. SEO is all about optimising a website for the end user, making it as seamless, easy-to-use and trustworthy for the user as possible.

To optimise your site you need to focus on:

  • fixing any technical issues on your site that could be affecting your performance on the search engines.

  • building a strong keyword strategy based on search queries your user will find relevant.

  • useful content that answers the user's questions.

  • link building from authoritative websites that boost your expertise in the field.

Technical SEO is one part of SEO.

How important is technical SEO?

We like to think of tech SEO as the foundation of your overall SEO efforts. Why?Because you need a clean and without-issues website that you can build your SEO strategy on. How are you going to optimise your pages or build new ones when your site itself is not optimal? You're doing more harm than good by avoiding improving the digital health of your site.Let's put it this way: how do you expect to go far with a shiny polished car when the engine makes a weird sound?

What is the difference between on-page SEO and technical SEO?

On-page SEO and tech SEO are different as the former is all about what's on the page while the latter is all about the backend of a website.On-page SEO is all about:

  • the structure of the page and its headings

  • the title tag and meta description

  • the internal links as well as any backlinks it acquires.

Tech SEO will do more than that.

Why do I need an SEO audit?

Our Tech SEO specialists and web developers are experts in identifying the issues on your site and putting together an SEO audit for you.

You need this SEO audit not only because it will show you where you can improve your site but also because by fixing those issues, you'll witness:

  • your pages move rankings

  • higher click and impression count

  • better quality traffic to your site

  • higher ROI

Are you in?
Get in touch

Let’s get started!

Or book an online meeting with our SEO team and see how we can help you.

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